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Post cover for blog titled Everything You Need to Know About Ground Rent: A Comprehensive Guide

Everything You Need to Know About Ground Rent: A Comprehensive Guide

Ground rent is a common aspect of home ownership in England and Wales, yet it remains poorly understood by many homeowners and property buyers. When you purchase a leasehold property, you do not own the land it stands on. Instead, you lea...

Posted on Nov 9th, 2023
Post cover for blog titled What's the difference between freehold and leasehold?

What's the difference between freehold and leasehold?

When purchasing property in the UK, buyers will inevitably encounter the terms 'freehold' and 'leasehold'. These refer to the two predominant forms of property ownership in the country. Deciding between freehold vs leasehold can have majo...

Posted on Nov 7th, 2023
Post cover for blog titled  How Much Deposit Do You Really Need to Purchase a Home in the UK?

How Much Deposit Do You Really Need to Purchase a Home in the UK?

For most homebuyers, the deposit is one of the biggest obstacles to purchasing a home. Saving enough for a deposit on a house can take years of disciplined saving and budgeting. However, there are options for those who don't have tens of...

Posted on Nov 6th, 2023
Post cover for blog titled UK property price update for September 2023

UK property price update for September 2023

The housing market in the United Kingdom has seen significant changes over the past few years. Most notably, house prices have started to decline after hitting record highs in mid-2022. This reversal comes on the back of rising interest r...

Posted on Sep 7th, 2023
Post cover for blog titled Who is considered a first time buyer in the UK?

Who is considered a first time buyer in the UK?

For many people, owning their own home is a major life goal and source of pride. However, getting onto the property ladder can be extremely difficult these days, especially for prospective first time buyers. Saving enough for a deposit wh...

Posted on Aug 18th, 2023
Post cover for blog titled Canary Wharf Apartment Prices: How High Will They Go in 2023?

Canary Wharf Apartment Prices: How High Will They Go in 2023?

Canary Wharf is located in East London, part of the Isle of Dogs in the borough of Tower Hamlets. It sits within London's Zone 2, just east of the City of London financial district. The area has undergone a dramatic transformation since t...

Posted on Aug 11th, 2023

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